Jack and the Beanstalk Craft – A giant construction paper beanstalk hangs from the ceiling tiles, making for a whole-class creation that adds a touch of magic to the room!
After it’s put together, kids can have fun re-telling the story of Jack And The Beanstalk using character puppets made out of construction paper and popsicle sticks!
- large sheets of green construction paper
- scissors
- green glitter
- green sequins
- glue
- green yarn
- markers
- Start out with a piece of large green construction paper.
2. Use a green marker to draw a spiral outward, starting in the center of the construction paper.
3. Cut around the spiral shape and cut off the edges of the paper with scissors. Make a crevice where the kids will begin cutting into the spiral.
4. Pour a tiny bit of glue over the paper and sprinkle it with some glitter for an extra magical effect! Leave overnight to dry.
5. Cut out leaves, beans, and sprigs. Make curly sprigs by cutting thin strips of green construction paper. Wrap them around a pencil, slightly unrolling afterward.
6. Create leaves by cutting football shapes out of the green construction paper. Curl these around a pencil slightly. Beans are just slightly elongated football shapes.
7. Students can cut out their own leaves, but it may be helpful to place some precut leaves out on the tables for inspiration.
8. Kids begin by cutting along the spiral until they have a long curvey beanstalk.
9. Next, glue on some paper leaves, beans, and curly sprigs!
10. Hole punch the end of each beanstalk and tie a small loop of yarn to the end of each one. String a longer piece of yarn through the yarn loops on the individual beanstalks and attach the whole thing to the ceiling tiles by this string.
11. Now all you need are some kindergarten-made character puppets and kids can use their imaginations to re-enact the story of Jack And The Beanstalk!
A Couple Pictures of The Finished Product: