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Kindergarten Measurement Worksheets

This set of Kindergarten Measurement Worksheets And Printables includes easy-to-use activities to help students master early measurement concepts. This pack includes printable activities for practice with measuring, sorting, and ordering objects by length, width, height, size, and weight!



This set of Kindergarten Measurement Worksheets And Printables includes easy-to-use activities to help students master early measurement concepts. This pack includes printable activities for practice with measuring, sorting, and ordering objects by length, width, height, size, and weight!
This instant download includes printable no-prep and low-prep worksheets for math centers, morning work, early finishers, interventions, and assessments. Use these activities to complement your measurement unit in the classroom and at home!
The Following Worksheets And Printables Are Included:
Measuring Size
Color by Size: Small And Large Objects – Color the small objects red and the large objects blue. 1 page.
Sort by Size: Small and Large Bugs – Cut out and sort the bugs by size. A single-page worksheet, plus a full-page sorting mat, and full-page of sorting pieces is included. 3 pages.
Cut-And-Paste Order by Size – Cut out the shapes and order them by size by matching them to the outlines on the ordering strip. Separate worksheets for ordering circles, triangles, and squares by size are included. 3 pages.
Cut-And-Paste Sort And Order – Cut out the circles, triangles, and squares. Sort by shape, then order by size by matching each shape to the outline on the ordering strip. 1 page.
Color by Size: Small, Medium And Large “Gems” – Color the small gems red, the medium gems blue, and the large gems green. 1 page.
Sort by Size: Small, Medium, and Large “Gems” – Cut out the gems at the bottom of the page and sort them by small, medium, and large sizes. 1 page.
Order by Size: “Gems” – Cut out the gems and order them from largest to smallest. 1 page.
Order by Size: My Favorite Sport – Cut out the sports balls and put them in order from smallest to largest. 1 page.
Order by Size: Small Things Mini-Book – Assemble the mini-book. Students draw and label three small things. 1 page.
Large Things Mini-Book – Assemble the mini-book. Students draw and label three large things. 1 page.
Measuring Height
Color by Height – Color the pictures to identify the short and tall objects. 1 page.
Comparing Height: Which Set Is Taller? – Compare the height of each set of connecting cubes and circle the taller set. Half-page.
Comparing Height: Which Set Is Shorter? – Compare the height of each set of connecting cubes and circle the shorter set. Half-page.
Comparing Height: Which Is Taller? – Compare heights and circle the taller buildings. 1 page.
Order by Height – Cut out the buildings and order them from shortest to tallest. 1 page.
Order by Height: Matryoshka Dolls – Cut out the Matryoshka (Nesting Dolls) and order them from tallest to shortest. 1 page.
Short Things Mini-Book – Assemble the mini-book. Students draw and label three short things. 1 page.
Tall Things Mini-Book – Assemble the mini-book. Students draw and label three tall things. 1 page.
Measuring Length
Comparing Length: Which Set Is Longer? Circle the longer set of connecting cubes. Half-page.
Comparing Length: Which Set Is Shorter? – On the first half of the page, On the second half of the page, circle the shorter set of connecting cubes. Half-Page.
Order by Length: Shortest to Longest – Cut out the connecting cubes and order them from shortest to longest. 1 page.
Order by Length: Longest to Shortest – Students color the fish, then cut them out and order them from longest to shortest. 1 page.
Longer and Shorter Sorting Strips – Color the sorting strips. Cut along the dotted lines and cut each strip into two pieces. Match the pieces to the sorting mat as you order them by length. 2 pages.
Measuring Length: Bugs – Measure the length of the bugs. Write the length of each bug in the square. 1 page.
Measuring Length: School Supplies – Measure the length of the school supplies. Write the length of each school supply in the square. 1 page.
Measuring Length With Beads – Use beads to measure the length of each line. Count, write, and compare the number of beads needed for each line. 1 page.
Short Things Mini-Book – Assemble the mini-book. Students draw and label three short things. 1 page.
Long Things Mini-Book – Assemble the mini-book. Students draw and label three long things. 1 page.
Measuring Width
Color by Width – Color the pictures to identify the wide and narrow buildings. 1 page.
Comparing Width: Which is Wider? – Circle the wider shape. 1 page.
Comparing Width: Which is Narrower? – Circle the narrower shape. 1 page.
Ordering Width – Color the pumpkins. Cut them out and put them in order from narrowest to widest. 1 page.
Sort by Width: Snail Family Craft – Cut out and color the snail templates. Roll them up and order them from narrowest to widest. Instructions page plus snail template page included. 2 pages.
Narrow Things Mini-Book – Assemble the mini-book. Students draw and label three narrow things. 1 page.
Wide Things Mini-Book – Assemble the mini-book. Students draw and label three wide things. 1 page.
Measuring Weight
Comparing Weight: Which Object Weighs More? – Compare the weight of the objects on the scales. Circle the object that weighs more. 1 page.
Comparing Weight: Which Object Weighs Less? – Compare the weight of the objects on the scales. Circle the object that weighs less. 1 page.
Color by Weight – Compare the weight of the objects on the scales. Color the objects to show which is lighter and which is heavier. 1 page.
Guessing Weight – Read the sentences and look at the picture of common objects. Circle the best answer to complete the sentence. 1 page.
Light Things Mini-Book – Draw and label three light things. 1 page.
Heavy Things Mini-Book – Draw and label three heavy things. 1 page.
Additional Measurement Activities
Measurement Activities Mini-Book – A variety of measurement activities in a printable mini-book. 2 pages.
Measurement Comprehension: Measuring In The Desert – Compare the objects in the picture. Read each sentence and circle “true” or “false”. 1 page.
My Measurement Journal – A printable journal cover page plus 10 measurement writing prompts for math and literacy integration. 11 pages.
60 Pages of Printable Activities Are Included!
Common Core Standards Covered:
K.MD.A.1 Describe measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight. Describe several measurable attributes of a single object.
K.MD.A.2 Directly compare two objects with a measurable attribute in common, to see which object has “more of”/”less of” the attribute, and describe the difference. For example, directly compare the heights of two children and describe one child as taller/shorter.
K.MD.B.3 Classify objects into given categories; count the numbers of objects in each category and sort the categories by count.


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