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Name Place Cards for Name Writing Practice And Recognition

These Printables For Name Writing Practice And Recognition can be used to mark students’ spots at tables or desks, and used by students as a reference during writing activities. You can also use these printables for name writing practice.



These Printables For Name Writing Practice And Recognition can be used to mark students’ spots at tables or desks, and used by students as a reference during writing activities. You can also use these printables for name writing practice.

These name writing practice cards include uppercase and lowercase letters with pictures and a blank area for each student’s name. Printables with the alphabet, as well as numbers and shapes are included and can be used alone or along with the name place cards. Place these printables in baskets at centers for students to use as a reference during language arts and math activities.

Laminate the name writing cards and students can write on them with a dry erase marker and erase with a small cloth. Write students’ names on the place cards, using a highlighter before laminating, to give students practice tracing their names.

This set includes one page of name writing/place cards and one page of additional printables. Color + black and white versions are included for each page.