4 Letter Consonant Blends Crossword Puzzles for practice reading and writing 4 letter initial and final consonant blends/ CVCC and CCVC words.
These no-prep printable puzzles are perfect for literacy centers, morning work and small group activities!
Students use the pictures and word bank as clues to complete each crossword puzzle.
The Following CVCC and CCVC Words Are Covered In This Set: bath, belt, bulb, chat, chin, chip, chop, clap, clip, club, crab, crib, dish, drop, drum, duck, fish, fist, flag, frog, gift, glad, help, jump, kick, list, math, mist, moth, nest, path, plug, plum, plus, rest, ring, rock, sack, shed, ship, shop, sick, sing, skip, sled, slug, sock, song, spin, stem, stop, swim, tack, tent, vest, & wish.
This Set Includes:
• 5 CVCC Crossword Puzzles
• 5 CCVC Crossword Puzzles
• 5 CVCC And CCVC Crossword Puzzles
• Answer Keys
15 crossword puzzles plus answer keys are included.